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Available courses

UNIT CODE:            ES-213/E


Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate Entrepreneurship skills


Duration of Unit: 50 hours


Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required in meeting entrepreneurship needs of clients and colleagues and developing, establishing, maintaining entrepreneurship pathways and strategies. It also covers competencies for conducting business, facilitating society's needs while representing the organization in various transacting forums.                                                       


Summary of Learning Outcomes

1.      Meet entrepreneurship needs of clients and colleagues

2.      Develop related strategies

3.      Establish and maintain related pathways

4.      Promote use of entrepreneurship strategies

5.      Conduct a successful business

6.      Facilitate group discussion

7.      Represent the organization

UNIT CODE:            BUS/CU/LIS/BC/01/6/A


Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstrate communication skills


Duration of Unit: 40 hours


Unit Description

This unit covers the competencies required in meeting communication needs of clients and colleagues and developing, establishing, maintaining communication pathways and strategies. It also covers competencies for conducting interview, facilitating group discussion and representing the organization in various forums.                                                       


Summary of Learning Outcomes

1.      Meet communication needs of clients and colleagues

2.      Develop communication strategies

3.      Establish and maintain communication pathways

4.      Promote use of communication strategies

5.      Conduct interview

6.      Facilitate group discussion

7.      Represent the organization

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1.      Meet communication needs of clients and colleagues

q Communication process

q Modes of communication

q Medium of communication

q Effective communication

q Barriers to communication

q Flow of communication

q Sources of information

q Organizational policies

q Organization requirements for written and electronic communication methods

q Report writing

q Effective questioning techniques (clarifying and probing)

q Workplace etiquette

q Ethical work practices in handling communication

q Active listening

q Feedback

q Interpretation

q Flexibility in communication

q Types of communication strategies

q Elements of communication strategy 

q Interview

q Written

UNIT CODE:            P.E-BE-7101

Duration of Unit: 35 hours


Unit Description

This unit provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness.                                                     


Summary of Learning Outcomes

1.      - Meet communication needs of clients and colleagues

2.      - Develop communication strategies

3.      - Establish and maintain communication pathways

4.      - Promote use of communication strategies

5.      - Conduct interview

6.      - Facilitate group discussion

7.      - Represent the organization

Learning Outcomes, Content and Suggested Assessment Methods

Learning Outcome


Suggested Assessment Methods

1.    Graduates will demonstrate competence in movement skills, analyze the performance of motor skills (particularly team and individual sports activities and dance/rhythms), as well as prepare and teach written lesson plans which address student learning of motor skills and analysis and assessment of these skills.


Strategic gameplay for sports

Health and wellness

Impact of physical activity

Physical activity questionnaire

Open-ended questions

Fitness/Skill check in


This is a basic and fundamental course for undergraduate students in Science related field.